The Last Revelation
The Glorious Qur’an is the Final Revelation (the Last Testament), revealed by God (Allah) to Prophet Muhammad. The Qur’an is a divine constitution sent down to regulate and govern our human life. It speaks with the perfect knowledge of the Creator about His creation. It reveals the truth and invites humankind to the way of that truth. It contains i...

Answering Humanity's Critical Questions
Islam answers humanity’s most critical and significant questions, such as: - What is the truth? - Who created us? - Is there a God? - Who is our true God? - Who is God’s final prophet? - Whom should we worship? - Who are we? - Why are we here? - What happens after we die? - What will the n...

Just the Tip of The Iceberg
Just the Tip of the Iceberg ‘It’ … - inspires us to have good intentions, positive attitudes, and kind feelings towards others. -teaches us to forgive others, and to love for others what we love for ourselves. - urges us to smile sincerely and to be cheerful and optimistic. - guides us to act and treat others politely and respectf...

Prophet Muhammad’s (Pbuh) Guidance for the Prevention of Diseases and Epidemics
Dedication I would like to dedicate this brief work to all human beings. I ask Allah ̶ the One True God, the Creator, the Most Able, the Most Powerful, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, and the Most Kind ̶ to grant us all true belief in Him, and with it happiness, contentment, and safety, as well as protection from and prevention of all w...

What did they say about the Quran? - Part two
Philip Khuri Hitti (1886 - 1978) (1) “The style of the Koran is God's style. It is different, incomparable and inimitable. This is basically what constitutes the "miraculous character"(i'jaz) of the Koran. Of all miracles it is the greatest.” Philip Hitti, “Islam; a way of life”, Chapter 1, P.27

What did they say about the Quran?
“From such close intercourse with the Muslims and so diligent a study of their literature when we find even so bigoted an opponent of Islam as Alvar acknowledging that the Quran was composed in such eloquent and beautiful language that even Christians could not help reading and admiring it.”

The One True God in the Bible (The Old Testament)
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord. (Deuteronomy 6: 4) Has not the One God made and sustained for us the spirit of life? (Malachi 2: 15) You may know and believe Me and understand that I am He. Before Me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after Me. I, I am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Savior. (Isaiah 43:...

Just One Message
Straight to the point After the creation of Adam, just one original message has been repeatedly delivered to mankind throughout the history of humanity. Thus, to remind people about it and bring them back on track, many prophets and messengers including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad were sent by the only true God to convey this...