This is a simple poster shows how to perform ablution through illustrating images.
Browse Islamic cards
This pamphlet talks about the principle of prophethood. It also shows that the message to all prophets was one regarding that Allah is one and that he deserves to be worshipped alone. It shows that all prophets had miracles to prove their prophethood.
This is an infograph about the month of Muharram, its name, why is it the first month of Islamic calendar and does it have any virtues? Also, why the tenth day of it was called Ashura.
Sadness then Joy: This noble soul would bring enlightenment…
Physical and verbal acts of worship are called the pillars of Islam. There are five pillars of Islam. They are as follows:
I Am a Muslim - I Love Moses, Jesus and Muhammad
This pamphlet proves that Islam is the true religion through some scientific facts mentioned in the Quran fourteen centuries ago. They are such as the origin of life, human embryonic development, expansion of the universe and sending the iron from outside the earth.