The Ansar: A spirit of true love and Brotherhood.
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This pamphlet proves that Islam is the true religion through some scientific facts mentioned in the Quran fourteen centuries ago. They are such as the origin of life, human embryonic development, expansion of the universe and sending the iron from outside the earth.
This pamphlet handles some issues about the Prophet Muhammad such as: the concept of prophethood in Islam, the personal life of the Prophet Muhammad and his life after prophethood. It also asks about an important issue which is "Why does the average European and American know so little about a man whose life was so exceptional?
This is a nice poster contains some companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with mentioning some of their virtues. It contains, for example, the ten companions who were promised the paradise. May Allah reward them all!
In this pamphlet, we talk about the life after death as Islam taught us in the Quran and the Sunnah.
There is no other God worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.